Working Tools Of A Fellowcraft

The working tools of a Fellowcraft are indispensable instruments that guide and shape the Masonic journey. These tools, steeped in symbolism and allegory, provide a profound understanding of the ethical, moral, and spiritual principles that underpin Freemasonry. Embark on an enlightening exploration of these tools, unlocking their significance and discovering their transformative power.

The Plumb and Level, Square, Compasses, and Gavel stand as beacons of precision, morality, and leadership, guiding Fellowcrafts on their path toward Masonic excellence.

Working Tools: A Detailed Overview

Working tools of a fellowcraft

For a Fellowcraft, the working tools are not merely physical instruments but symbols of the moral and spiritual qualities necessary for Masonic progress. They represent the virtues and principles that guide the Fellowcraft’s journey toward self-improvement and the betterment of society.

The Compasses

The compasses symbolize the Fellowcraft’s duty to regulate his thoughts, words, and actions. The two points represent the balance between reason and intuition, while the circle represents the boundary within which the Fellowcraft should operate.

The Square

The square represents morality and upright conduct. It reminds the Fellowcraft to square his actions with the principles of justice and integrity.

The Plumb, Working tools of a fellowcraft

The plumb represents the Fellowcraft’s striving for perfection. It symbolizes the vertical line of truth and righteousness, against which the Fellowcraft should measure his progress.

The Level

The level represents equality and harmony. It reminds the Fellowcraft that all men are created equal and that he should treat others with respect and compassion.

The Gavel

The gavel represents the Fellowcraft’s authority to govern his Lodge and to enforce its laws. It symbolizes the power of reason and persuasion, and the Fellowcraft’s responsibility to use it wisely.

The working tools of a fellowcraft include various instruments, such as the square, level, and plumb. These tools are essential for ensuring accuracy and precision in their work. In addition, fellowcrafts may also need to be familiar with the regulations and standards set by the mt state board of cosmetology to ensure their work meets the required standards.

The Trowel

The trowel represents the Fellowcraft’s duty to spread the cement of brotherly love and affection. It symbolizes the Fellowcraft’s role in building a strong and harmonious Lodge.

The Plumb and Level: Working Tools Of A Fellowcraft

The plumb and level are indispensable tools for a Fellowcraft Mason, embodying both physical and ethical principles that guide their work. These tools serve as constant reminders of the importance of precision, accuracy, and moral uprightness in all aspects of Masonic endeavors.

Measuring and Squaring

The plumb, a weighted line suspended from a point, ensures vertical alignment. It helps Masons erect structures that stand tall and true, symbolizing the need for unwavering integrity and adherence to Masonic principles. The level, on the other hand, ensures horizontal flatness.

It reminds Masons to approach their work with balance, equality, and a just disposition, ensuring that all actions are in harmony with Masonic ideals.

The Square

Working tools of a fellowcraft

The square is a vital working tool in Freemasonry, symbolizing morality, integrity, and right conduct. It represents the individual’s duty to shape their character and actions according to the highest ethical standards.

Shaping and Perfecting

The square is used to shape and perfect the individual by ensuring their actions align with Masonic principles. It serves as a guide for measuring one’s thoughts, words, and deeds against the standards of morality and virtue. By adhering to the square’s principles, individuals strive to become upright, honorable, and true to their commitments.

Importance of Morality, Integrity, and Right Conduct

Morality, integrity, and right conduct are essential qualities for a Freemason. The square emphasizes the importance of living a life based on these principles. Morality guides one’s actions and decisions, while integrity ensures consistency between one’s values and behavior. Right conduct refers to ethical behavior that respects the rights and dignity of others.

By adhering to these principles, Freemasons strive to live a life of purpose and contribute positively to society.

The Compasses

Masonic lodge freemason fellowcraft symbols square

The compasses are one of the three principal working tools of a Fellowcraft Mason. They are used to measure and divide, and they represent the limitations and boundaries of human knowledge and actions. The compasses also symbolize balance and harmony.

Function and Symbolism

The compasses are a measuring tool that is used to draw circles and arcs. In Masonic tradition, the circle is a symbol of eternity and perfection. The compasses are also used to divide a line into equal parts, which represents the division of time and space.The

compasses are a reminder that we are all limited in our knowledge and actions. We cannot know everything, and we cannot do everything. However, we can strive to live our lives in balance and harmony. The compasses teach us to set limits for ourselves and to respect the limits of others.

Balance and Harmony

The compasses are a symbol of balance and harmony. The two points of the compasses represent the opposing forces of good and evil, light and dark, and male and female. The center point of the compasses represents the point of balance between these opposing forces.The

compasses teach us to strive for balance and harmony in our lives. We cannot live in a state of constant conflict. We must find a way to reconcile our differences and to live together in peace. The compasses remind us that we are all part of a larger whole, and that we must work together to create a better world.

The Gavel


The gavel, a distinctive tool in Freemasonry, symbolizes authority and leadership within the Masonic Lodge. It is a powerful instrument used to maintain order and harmony during Masonic ceremonies, ensuring that the proceedings run smoothly and respectfully.

Leadership and Order

The gavel is a symbol of the Master’s authority, representing their responsibility to guide the Lodge and ensure that all members adhere to the established rules and regulations. By striking the gavel, the Master calls the Lodge to order, opens and closes meetings, and signifies the start and end of various rituals and ceremonies.

The sound of the gavel serves as a reminder to all members present to maintain discipline and respect during the proceedings. It encourages them to listen attentively, participate actively, and conduct themselves in a manner that upholds the integrity and dignity of the Lodge.

Discipline and Respect

The gavel’s presence in the Lodge emphasizes the importance of discipline and respect. It reminds members that they are part of a structured organization with established rules and expectations. By adhering to these rules and showing respect for the Master and other members, they contribute to the harmonious and productive functioning of the Lodge.

The gavel also serves as a reminder that each member has a responsibility to contribute to the overall well-being of the Lodge. By respecting the authority of the Master and adhering to the established rules, members demonstrate their commitment to the principles of Freemasonry and their desire to maintain a strong and united Lodge.

FAQ Compilation

What is the significance of the working tools for a Fellowcraft?

The working tools are symbolic representations of the ethical, moral, and spiritual principles that guide a Fellowcraft’s Masonic journey.

How do the Plumb and Level ensure accuracy and precision in Masonic work?

The Plumb and Level represent the need for precision and uprightness in all Masonic endeavors, both physical and spiritual.

What does the Square symbolize in Masonic tradition?

The Square represents morality, integrity, and right conduct, reminding Fellowcrafts to act with virtue and fairness.